Technical Debt
1. Smells
- Velocity slows down
- Harder to code new features
- More bugs start to appear
- Duplicate Code
- Lack of Test Coverage
- Unreadable Code
- Statements like "We don't have time to: refactor, write unit tests, do test driven development"
2. Discussion
3. Causes
- Rushing to get things done at the end of an iteration
- Failing to allow for learning curve with TDD
4. Consequences
- Team slows down and is able to achieve less and less each iteration.
- Quality takes a hit
- The number of bugs increases and its harder to find and fix bugs.
5. Prevention
6. Example Remedies
- Stop accumulating technical debt
- Start doing Test Driven Development for all new code
- Increase test coverage and refactor code choosing areas that present the highest risk, have the most bugs etc.
- Read Micheal Feathers book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"
7. Case Studies
Credit: this is based on material from "
10 ways to screw up with Scrum and XP" by Henrik Kniberg. Personal Experience:
Mark Levison
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