
Scrum Values

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Scrum Values

Host: Michele Sliger

Wednesday May 9, 2007  2:45pm


Topic: Discussion of the Scrum values--

Do we know what they are?

If we don't, what does that say about us? about the values?

Are the values important? Do they drive behavior?

Should we be teaching the values in our CSM courses?

What can we do in our Scrum teams to make the values more visible?


What follows are the photos from the session, starting with the Scrum values, then doing some brainstorming around the above questions, then how to address the values issue, and finally our recommendations for actions we can take to further the knowledge and application of the values.


The Scrum Values as defined in Ken's black book.



Brainstorming, part 1.



Brainstorming, part 2. The take-away from this was that "we test our values based on our experiences and then we adjust them". So even our values are part of the items we should inspect and adapt. Note that conflict can emerge when our individual (personal) values are not in sync with those of the organization; or if the team's values are not in sync, etc.


Cargo cult: from the WWII action of dropping cargo on islands that had previously had no experience with others--the treasures just fell from the sky. And when they stopped, the islanders would mimic what they had seen occur to try to get more cargo to fall from the sky again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult  Point was that we can do Scrum without embracing the values, but it becomes like a cargo cult.


"Don't be evil" is actually the motto (value?) of Google. 


Internalizing the values through the use of this format. For example, "We believe in respecting others, therefore we will show up to daily scrums on time."




Esther's exercise. Identifying observed behaviors, the corresponding "lived values", understanding the systems and structures that constrain or drive behavior, then defining what we really believe and how we would like to behave, leading us to our desired behaviors.





And thanks to Esther, this is the actual model she uses in her presentations.





Our recommendations.



Unanswered questions.


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