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Scrum Community Info

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

Scrum Community


At the Scrum Gathering Nov 2006 in Minneapolis, some of us formed a group to work on improving the Scrum community. This is the start of this effort as it relates to the wiki. No doubt it will be refactored and improved as we work in iterations.


People offering to be Mentors


This page allows people to list themselves if they wish to offer to talk to those unfamiliar with, new to, or experienced but having problems with, Scrum. This is to enable face-to-face conversation, or certainly higher band-width communication than the Yahoo discussion group. There is no warranty, explicit or implied, on the quality of that advice.


This page also includes those who want to talk together on peer-to-peer basis (as distinguished from a mentor-mentee relationship). So, don't read much into the "mentor" word.


This page is /not/ meant to substitute for or become a list of consultants. We may start that as well.


See this page: Mentors


Community of People at Firms Using Scrum


We hope to make more visible the firms (companies, organizations) doing Scrum. So that, for example, related firms can compare experiences.


Typically people in this community group feel or at least expect that similar firms will have similar issues implementing Scrum. So, they are interested in sharing experiences with similar firms. (They may have widely different definitions of similar; if you have interest, don't hesitate to ask them, whatever kind of yours and theirs might be. Sometimes the similarity may be size or industry or systems environment, etc, etc.)


See this page: People at Firms


Firms Using Scrum


Here is a link to a page listing all known firms using Scrum, in some sense. Mostly self-reported.


Purpose: The purpose of this list (and the others here) is to foster community.


Because most of the firms are self-reported, no one is suggesting that every firm is using Scrum or Agile "safely, well, and with benefit". Since some forms are listed by well-known people in the Scrum community, you might be safer in making inferences about those firms. Again, the purpose of the list was never to enable you to make safe inferences.


Firms Using Scrum


Larger Scrum-Related Organizations





Please list more


List of Scrum or Agile Blogs




Local Groups


This information has been moved to Local Groups. Where you can find a local group where people are talking about Scrum and Agile.

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