Page history
last edited
by tobias 15 years, 10 months ago
The following people have offered that they /may/ be available to offer advice to those unfamiliar with Scrum, new to Scrum, or having a question about Scrum. It is assumed that the advice sought is relatively small. Be aware that all these people have a day job. Be aware that, like you, most of these people get very busy from time to time, and may not be able to respond as quickly as they would like.
Some of these people would consider themselves more of a scrum-buddy than a mentor.
Scrum Alliance makes no warranty, explicit or implied, about the quality of the advice of these mentors. If you are looking for professional advice, please use good judgment in selecting a consultant.
Name: Joe Little, CST
Role: ScrumMaster, coach, master coach, trainer
Firm: Kitty Hawk Consulting
City/State: Charlotte, NC
Contact: at kittyhawkconsulting DOT com with prefix jhlittle, also http://agileconsortium.blogspot.com
Business Telephone: 917-887-1669 (cell)
Interests: Agile and scrum. My interests are broad. I have an MBA, which is consistent with an interest in the business side of projects. Although I am sometimes taken for a real techie.
Name: Michael Vizdos, CST (Certified Scrum Trainer)
Role: ScrumMaster, Coach, Mentor, and Trainer
Firm: Independent
City/State: Earth, Third Rock From The Sun
Business Telephone: 619-709-1716 (cell)
Interests: Scrum and working with teams. I have a blog located at http://www.implementingscrum.com that deals with real-world issues encountered when working with Scrum teams.
Name: Ann Atkinson, CSM
Role: ScrumMaster
Firm: Visiality, Inc.
City/State: Plymouth/Minneapolis, MN
Business Telephone: 763-519-8474
Interests: Agile and Scrum within and beyond software development. Co-located, distributed and global teams.
Name: Hubert Smits, CST
Role: Certified Scrum Trainer
Firm: Rally
City/State: Boulder, CO
Business Telephone: (303) 565 2823
Interests: Scaling, outsourcing, reporting, burndowns
Name: Lowell Lindstrom
Role: CST, Transition Coach, Business Coach
Firm: The Oobeya Group
City/State: Glen Ellyn, IL
Business Telephone: 630-335-0889
Interests: Organization effectiveness; minimizing the stresses of change; Agile as a means, not an end; well factored code and systems; designing for automated testing.
Name: Chris Doss
Role: Certified Scrum Practitioner, Management Coach, PMP
Firm: Capital One
City/State: Richmond, VA
Business Telephone: 804-855-3886
Interests: Organizational adoption of Scrum, Managing in an Agile environment, Continuous improvement of business and the employee experience
Name: Boris Gloger
Role: Founder of SPRiNT iT, Certified Scrum Trainer
Firm: SPRiNT iT
City/State: Karlsruhe, Germany
Business Telephone: +49 170 525 63 48
Interests: Scaling, Scrum & CMMi, Honesty, Emotions in Scrum and the business world.
Name: Jiri Lundak, CSM-Practicing
Role: ScrumMaster, Coach, Team Lead, Developer
Firm: Loewenfels Partner AG
City/State: Lucerne, Switzerland
Business Telephone: +41 41-418-44-99
Interests: Scrum and Agile values in general. Scaling Scrum (currently with up to 5 teams). Transitioning from Waterfall to Agile. Backlog Management. Metrics and Reporting to Upper Management.
Name: Mark Pushinsky, Certified Scrum Trainer
Role: Agile Coach, Change Agent, Team Advocate
Firm: Capital One
City/State: Richmond/Virginia
Business Telephone: 804-784-7111
Interests: Team Effectiveness, Enterprise adoption of Scrum, Distributed Scrum, and Executive Education on Scrum
Name: Deborah Hartmann
Role: Agile Process Improvement Coach, Open Space facilitator
Firm: Independent Agile Coach, Agile Community Editor for InfoQ.com
City/State: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Business Telephone: fouronesix 996-4337
Interests: introducing Scrum, leading a team, scrum product owners, getting benefit from retrospectives, appropriate metrics, Open Space facilitation
Name: David Höhn, CSP
Role: Agilist, Mentor for agile processes, Consultancy
Firm: TBD
City/State: London, UK
Business Telephone: none yet
Interests: Improving human interactions to better facilitate and environment where agile works. Scaling and improving communication patterns, engineering practices, Presentations and Open spaces.
Name: Mark Levison
Role: ScrumMaster, Agile Coach
City/State: Ottawa, On, Canada
Business Telephone: 613 761 9821
Blog: Notes from a Tool User
Interests: Improving communications, introducing Agile Software development, Agile outside of software development.
Name: Pete Deemer, Certified Scrum Trainer
Role: Chief Product Officer, Yahoo! India R&D
Firm: Yahoo!
City/State: Bangalore, INDIA
Business Telephone: contact petedeemer AT yahoo.com
Website: www.scrumprimer.com
Interests: Scrum and Agile in India and Asia: feel free to contact me if you're interested in learning more about Scrum, connecting with other people and companies using it, getting data on real-world results, or if you'd like to hear about Scrum certification (CSM) courses in India and Asia.
Name: Esther Derby, Certified Scrum Trainer
Role: Consultant
Firm: esther derby associates, inc.
City/State: Minneaoplis, MN
Business Telephone: 612.724.8114
Website: www.estherderby.com
Interests: Scrum, helping organizations foster change, collaboration skills, interpersonal skills, productive work environments
Name: Jim York, Certified Scrum Trainer
Role: ScrumMaster, Coach, and Trainer
Firm: FoxHedge Ltd
City/State: Leesburg, VA
Business Telephone: 703.431.2176
Website: www.jim-york.com
Interests: Scrum, Lean, Agile, helping others create environments where change can occur, navigating emotional reactions to change
Name: Douglas E Shimp , Certified Scrum Trainer
Role: Senior Consultant
Firm: 3Back.com
City/State: Chicago
Business Telephone: 414-617-7073
Website: www.3back.com
Interests: ScrumMaster and Product Owner Training, Implementation, Use Cases, Stories, Planning, Blog, Scrum, Lean and Crystal
Name: Michele Sliger, CST
Role: Consultant
Firm: Sliger Consulting, Inc.
City/State: Denver, CO USA
Business Telephone: 720-377-1741
Website: www.sligerconsulting.com
Interests: Transitioning from traditional project management to Scrum, coaching, facilitation, mentoring future servant-leaders
Name: Kane Mar, CSP & CST
Role: Scrum Coach and Trainer
Firm:Danube Technologies, Inc
City/State: Seattle, WA USA
Business Telephone: 310-593-3666
Website: Adventures in Agile software development and Scrum
Interests: Organizational change from traditional project and product management to Scrum; coaching; Extreme Programming (XP) engineering practices including Continuous Integration and Test Driven Development.
Name: Roman Pichler, CSP & CST
Role: Consultant, Trainer, Coach
Firm: Pichler Consulting Ltd
City/State: Nottingham, UK
Business Telephone: +44 (0) 7949 203772
Website: www.romanpicher.com
Interests: Large and distributed Scrum projects, the Product Owner, functional managers and Scrum, organisational change and Scrum, Scrum and Lean.
Name: George Schlitz, CSP
Role: Consultant
City/State: Boston, MA
Business Telephone: (508)688-7864
Interests: Org change, introduction of Scrum and Agile to the large, traditional enterprise.
Name: Chris Sterling
Role: Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach
Firm: SolutionsIQ
City/State: Redmond, WA
Contact: SolutionsIQ point com with prefix csterling
Business Telephone: 425-503-6925
Website: http://www.solutionsiq.com/
Blog: http://chrissterling.gettingagile.com/
Interests: Coaching teams and organizations on implementing Scrum and Agile, User Stories, Extreme Programming (XP) development practices (TDD, Continuous Integration, Pair Programming)
Name: Bil Simser
Role: CSM, Mentor, Lead Developer, Architect
Firm: Consultant
City/State: Calgary, Alberta
Business Telephone: 403-399-9375
Website: http://www.bilsimser.com
Blog: http://weblogs.asp.net/bsimser
Interests: Coaching teams on implementing Scrum and Agile through the use of alternate development practices (TDD, DDD, BDD) in a Microsoft world.
Name: Peter Hundermark, CSM, CSP, CSC
Role: Scrum and agile coach and trainer
Firm: SPRiNT-iT Africa
City/State: Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: peter dot hundermark at ...
Business Telephone: +27 84 261 3860
Website: www.sprint-it.com
Interests: Evanglising Scrum and agile practices, helping teams and organisations transition to Scrum, growing servant leaders
Name:Marc Evers
Role:Agile coach and trainer, Open Space facilitator
Firm:Piecemeal Growth
City/State:Nieuwegein, The Netherlands (available for coaching and training work across Europe)
Contact:marc at piecemealgrowth dot nl
Business Telephone:+31 6 44 55 000 3
Interests:Coaching teams to improve their performance and joy in work through Lean, Scrum, XP, or whatever is appropriate in a specific situation; coaching Scrum masters and agile coaches; systems thinking & systemic coaching
Name: Tobias Mayer
Role: Agile Coach and Trainer, Organizational Change Agent
Firm: Agile Thinking
City/State: Antwerp, Belgium and London, UK
Contact: Tobias [at] Agile Thinking [dot] Net
Business Telephone: +1 650-796-0325 USA only), Skype: tobyanon (elsewhere)
Website: Agile Thinking | Agile Thoughts Blog
Interests: People, Self-organization, Release, Emergence
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Comments (2)
KondalaRao said
at 8:33 pm on Mar 27, 2010
Name: Kondala Rao Maddala
Role: Senior Software Consultant, CSM
Firm: Apkon systems Inc
City/State: Atlanta, GA USA
Contact: Krao[at]apkonsystems[dot]com
Business Telephone: +1 678-516-2661
Interests: Scrum, Lean, Agile as a means not an end, collaboration skills, interpersonal skills, productive work environments, People, Self-organization.
Russell Earnest said
at 2:59 pm on Nov 29, 2011
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