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Games for Scrum

Page history last edited by Michael Sahota 15 years, 5 months ago

Session: Games for Scrum (Wrap-Up Session)


Host: Bill Wake


Goal: Identify game resources useful in teaching about Scrum



Sites with a bunch of games:


Other useful concepts:

  • Framegames (game structure stays the same and you plug in content)
  • Tacit knowledge
  • "I'll know it when I do it"
  • Get the feeling of the thing
  • I'll remember better if I do it
  • "Simulation is the excuse for the debrief"
  • ORID - debrief framework
  • "Adult learning styles"; Montessori; Identity 2.0



  • Game demonstrating a successful daily scrum


Improvs (Give 'em a scenario and they act it out):

  • Are improv sessions part of "games" or a different category?  (To me, the Scrum from Hell is an improv, if I am thinking of the same thing.)



  • Tom - Done, Peter, and Chris - make their games available online, and put pointers here


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