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Page history last edited by Joe Little 4 years, 11 months ago

scrum community pbworks


Welcome...this is your wiki (an easy to edit web site). If it is replaced, we will endeavor to move these pages when the new site goes up.


To go to...

New CSP Process




Scrum Community Info


....Firms Using Scrum

....People at Firms

....Scrum Agile Networking groups

....Local Groups

....Developing the Scrum Community -- the product backlog for developing the community


....Yahoo Groups



Catalog of Scrum Smells


Mentoring for Applicant CSTs



Attendees Chicago

SG2008 Open Space


SG2007 Open Space

SG2007 Attendees -- Portland



SG2006 Open Space

SG2006 Attendees


Working Committees



....Agile Music


War Stories

Agile Failures








hints about the wiki








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