

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

Attendees at the Scrum Gathering


Nov 2006, Minneapolis



Put your name and info at the bottom. Or anywhere you want.


Isn't it nice that this list is /not/ in a clear order? Nonetheless, for those with an orderliness deficit, we do have the boxes around the people. AND... you can add color!


"The Universe is a friendly place"

Name: Boris Gloger

Birth City: Wiesbaden, Germany

Current Business Role: Founder of SPRiNT iT, Germany, & Certified Scrum Trainer

Business Address (City, State): Ettlingen, Germany

Business Telephone: +49 170 525 63 48

Cell Phone: +49 170 525 63 48

Email Address: boris.gloger@sprint-it.com

Favorite Website: www.43folders.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Salsa Music, I love to dance Salsa

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Reconnect with the community, I learned a lot that I did not expect


"The readiness is all."

Name: Joe Little

Birth City: Danville, VA

Current Business Role: Scrum Master, master coach

Business Address (City, State): Charlotte, NC

Business Telephone: 704-376-8881

Cell Phone: 917-887-1669

Email Address: jhlittle@kittyhawkconsuling.com

Favorite Website: http://online.wsj.com/home/us

One Personal Note: Spoon River Restaurant is good; "drink" was too quiet tonight

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Opera: Nessun Dorma; R&B: such as Born Under A Bad Sign (Clapton)

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Meeting with, learning from and encouraging others infected with the Agile virus


"My name is Kevin,

this is my first SA meeting,

and I've been sober for 5 sprints.

Name: Kevin Neher

Birth City: Seattle, WA

Current Business Role: Scrum Master

Business Address (City, State): Microsoft

Business Telephone: 425-706-2208

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: "Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution..."

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Learn from the experienced and wise so as to not duplicate their errors or invent new ones


insert a quote

Name: Anne Moon

Birth City: Glens Falls, NY

Current Business Role: Scrum Coach

Business Address (City, State): Albany, NY

Business Telephone: 518-391-1177

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: enjoy motorcycles

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


Making the world a better place, one IT department at a time

Name: Stefan Ahrensdorf

Birth City: Bremen, Germany

Current Business Role: IT Management, Agile Coach

Business Address (City, State): Seattle, WA

Business Telephone: (206) 330-8929

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: Look me up on LinkedIn and connect!

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Randy Newmans "Faust".

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Meet, network, ...


insert a quote

Name: Alan Atlas

Birth City:

Current Business Role: Development Manager/Scrum Master

Business Address (City, State): Seattle, WA

Business Telephone: 206-266-8408

Cell Phone: 425-445-1219

Email Address:

Favorite Website: TheOnion

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Little Feat

Interests for Scrum Gathering: New wrinkles on scrum


"Culture eats strategy for breakfast."

(Ken Schwaber)

Name: Jiri Lundak

Birth City: Prague, Czech Republic

Current Business Role: Scrum Master, Technical Lead

Business Address (City, State): Lucerne, Switzerland

Business Telephone: +41 41 418-44-99

Cell Phone: +41 76 534-38-96

Email Address: jiri.lundak@loewenfels.ch

Favorite Website: http://www.turnofftheinternet.com/

One Personal Note: Dakota Jazz Club in Downtown Minneapolis was just awsome with the performance of Bettye LaVette.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Jazz like Wayne Shorter, Southern Rock like The Allman Brothers Band, Funk like the Client Funk Society.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Get amunition for my fight for Agile values. Sharing war stories.


If you want to garden, you have to bend down and touch the soil.

Gardening is a practice, not an idea."


(Thich Nhat Hanh)

Name: Pascal Gugenberger

Birth City: Aix-en-Provence, France

Current Business Role: Scrum Master, Head of Research & Development

Business Address (City, State): Berlin, Germany

Business Telephone: +49 30 74 79 93 0

Email Address: pascal@gugenberger.net

One Personal Note: Filming the Scrum video was just awesome!

Interests for Scrum Gathering: sharing new ideas, exchanging working approaches to everyday problems.


Just sayin'...

Name: Dan Rawsthorne

Birth City: Oakland, California

Current Business Role: Certified Scrum Trainer, Coach

Business Address (City, State): Seattle, Washington

Business Telephone: 425-269-8628 (cell)

Email Address: dan@danube.com

One Personal Note: I'm a certified bowling coach

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: oldies

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Getting more tools for my toolbox, and (perhaps) adding tools to others' toolboxes


I like Scrum because it is smart, safe and fun.

Name: Roger Brown

Birth City: Eugene, Oregon, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, Systems and Software Consortium

Business Address (City, State): Herndon, VA, USA

Business Telephone: 603-359-8119

Cell Phone: 603-359-8119

Email Address: roger.w.brown@valley.net

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: I live in New Hampshire. My favorite pastime is playing guitar. I can't count, apparently.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Blues and almost anything on guitar.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Networking with other people doing what I am doing. Sharing experience in both directions. Seeing people I like enjoy spending time with.

insert a quote

Name: Bob Jacobson

Birth City: Lynwood, CA

Current Business Role: ScrumMaster

Business Address (City, State): eFunds, Woodbury, MN 55125

Business Telephone: 651.361.2625

Cell Phone: 651.249.6448

Email Address: bob.jacobson@efunds.com

Favorite Website: www.controlchaos.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Thunder - AC/DC

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Learning and sharing with others


insert a quote

Name: Ronica Roth

Birth City: White Plains, NY

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, Rally Software

Business Address (City, State): Washington, DC

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone: 303.520.3191

Email Address:

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: House, Jam

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


"There is no one right way."

Name: Marilyn Lamoreux

Birth City: Ida Grove, Iowa

Current Business Role: Architect, Agile Coach

Business Address (City, State): Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone:763-514-8531

Cell Phone:

Email Address: marilyn.lamoreux@medtronic.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Folk, Classical

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


Create dangerously! - Albert Camus

Name: Pam Rostal

Birth City: Chicago, IL

Current Business Role: Business and Systems Analysis

Business Address (City, State: Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone: (952) 595-7970

Cell Phone: (651) 308-0917

Email Address: pmrostal@comcast.net

Favorite Website: http://dictionary.com

One Personal Note: I want to go to Antarctica on vacation.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Oldies, Folk

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Reconnect and watch the levels of concern Scrum addresses move up the organization


"You suck and that makes me sad." - Ken Schwaber

Name: Geoff Watts

Birth City: Cheltenham, England, UK

Current Business Role: Leaving BT to become an independent consultant

Business Address (City, State): England

Business Telephone: +44 845 017 8150

Cell Phone: +44 7717 111199

Email Address: geoff@inspectandadapt.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: Have a lovely wife and 2 great kids

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Pretty much anything acoustic

Interests for Scrum Gathering: See what's new and share experiences of Scrum in large companies (like BT) plus catch up with some old faces.


"Hasten slowly and you will arrive early"

Name: Hubert Smits

Birth City: Riethoven, Nederland

Current Business Role: Agile Coach and Certified Scrum Trainer for Rally

Business Address (City, State): Boulder, Colorado, USA

Business Telephone: +1 (303) 565 2823

Cell Phone:

Email Address: hubert@scrumtools.com

Favorite Website: hubert.blogs.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Keep on rocking

Interests for Scrum Gathering: I missed the people, old friends, new friends, I was locked away :-(


"There is no one right way."

Name:Pete Deemer

Birth City:Nashville, TN

Current Business Role: CPO, Yahoo! India R&D

Business Address (City, State): Bangalore, Karnataka

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone:

Email Address:petedeemer@yahoo.com

Favorite Website: http://www.linerider.com/

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Sound of people having fun at work

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


"There is no one right way."

Name: Stacia Broderick

Birth City: Tyler, Texas

Current Business Role: Certified ScrumTrainer, Consultant, Coach

Business Address (City, State): 558 Royal Road, Palmyra, PA USA 17078

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone: 610-909-5124

Email Address: stacia_broderick@yahoo.com

Favorite Website: http://www.scruminations.blogspot.com

One Personal Note: It's all about the people.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: ColdPlay rocks!!

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Event centered around people getting to know each other more. Ideas for continued pairing and group work.


"It doesn't have to be this way...."

Name: Esther Derby

Birth City: Minneapolis (for one month, then was transported to Harrisburg, PA)

Current Business Role: Consultant focusing on team dynamics, management coaching, organizational change and effectiveness especially around adopting Scrum.

Business Address (City, State): Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone: 612-724-8114

Cell Phone:

Email Address: derbyatestherderbydotcom

Favorite Website: hmmmm. thinking.

One Personal Note: My dogs have always been great teachers.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Talking Heads. Brave Combo.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Buidling community


"There is no one right way."

Name: Jeff Sutherland

Birth City: North Attleboro, MA

Current Business Role: CTO PatientKeeper

Business Address (City, State): Newton, MA

Business Telephone: 617-987-0394

Cell Phone: 617-947-7400

Email Address: jeff.sutherland@computer.org

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


"Turning Vision into Reality"

Name: Ann Atkinson

Birth City: Tucson, AZ (a rare native)

Current Business Role: Scrum Master, Management Consultant

Business Address (City, State): Plymouth/Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone: 763-519-8474

Cell Phone:

Email Address: ann.atkinson@visiality.com

Favorite Website: www.maps.google.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Nickleback, Evanescence, Big Band/Swing

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Growing Scrum Communities


Current favorite: "I never predict. I simply look out the window and see what is visible but not yet seen."

-- Peter Drucker

Name: Diana Larsen

Birth City: Anderson, IN

Current Business Role: Consultant - team dynamics, development & leadership; collaborative leadership development for agile environments; organizational change; processes to help large groups think and act together; coaching agile coaches

Business Address (City, State): Portland, OR, USA

Business Telephone: +1 503-288-3550

Cell Phone:

Email Address: dlarsen@futureworksconsulting.com

Favorite Website(s): http://www.mythic-cartography.org/ and http://www.librarything.com/

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Can you dance to it? If so, I like it. And for other moods, Classical or World music, especially percussion.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Helping the Community become what it wants to be for its members. Learning about each other and the work we're doing. Face time to ease future communication.


"We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the

product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that.

-- Marcus Aurelius

Name: Paul Comeau

Birth City: Appleton, WI

Current Business Role: Consultant

Business Address (City, State): Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone: +1 612.379.1440

Cell Phone: +1 612.868.0987

Email Address: pmcomeau@gmail.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Social Distortion, Philip Glass, anything 89.3 plays.

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


"Everything in moderation, including moderation

Name: Colin Bird

Birth City: London

Current Business Role: CTO

Business Address (City, State): London, UK

Business Telephone: +44 1784 222255

Cell Phone: +44 7831 097 867

Email Address: colin.bird@conchango.com

Favorite Website: Google!

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Current Favourite - Bob Dylan, Things have changed

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Talking to like minded people


"I am amazed how much exchange, contacts and information you can put into a single day"

Name: Christoph Mathis

Birth City: a little village 90 miles west of Heidelberg

Current Business Role: Scrum Master / Consultant

Business Address (City, State): Munich, Germany

Business Telephone: +49-89-5003520

Cell Phone: +49-172-7256944

Email Address: mathis@gopas.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: A fool with a tool is a fool

Favorite Music: Tom Waits, sober or drunk

Interests for Scrum Gathering: connecting to the community, watch it moving and help it gain momentum


"In My Own Way" (Title of autobiograhy by Alan Watts: Double meaning implying both doing things the way you do, as well as impeding yourself by being in the way of your progress)

Name: John Hill

Birth City: Los Angeles, CA

Current Business Role: Commercial Software Program Manager, ScrumMaster, Internal Scrum Coach

Business Address (City, State): Calabasas, CA

Business Telephone: (818) 737-7607

Cell Phone:

Email Address: johnhillcsm@yahoo.com

Favorite Website: scrumalliance.org (beginning in 2007!)

One Personal Note: When mixing cocktails, I "never use the same ice twice" (good advice from Harry Craddock, Savoy Hotel Bar, London, published in 1926)

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: MANY musical interests (eclectic beyond reason), currently focused on "Golden Era" jazz guitarists (Barney Kessel, George Barnes, Johnny Smith, Tal Farlow, Harry Volpe, Al Caiola, Tony Mottola...).

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Empowering Teams and Offshore/Distributed Scrum


"insert a quote

Name: John Heil

Birth City: Bryn Mawr, PA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach

Business Address (City, State): King of Prussia, PA

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone: (610) 864.5807

Email Address: john@infusionlabs.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: hmmmmm...it depends on the mood...

Interests for Scrum Gathering:


"insert a quote

Name: Will Menner

Birth City:

Current Business Role: Certified ScrumMaster, Group Level Supervisor, JHU/APL

Business Address (City, State): Laurel, Maryland

Business Telephone: 240-228-5354

Cell Phone:

Email Address: will.menner@jhuapl.edu

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Product Owners, Metrics, Training


"insert a quote

Name: Wim van de Goor

Birth City: Horst, the Netherlands

Current Business Role: Software project team leader, ScrumMaster

Business Address (City, State): Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Business Telephone: +31 40 27 42556

Cell Phone: +31 6 230 315 83

Email Address: wim.van.de.goor@philips.com

Favorite Website: allmusic.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music: From Beatles&Jimi Hendrix and Neil Young, Jackson Browne via the garage bands of the 80s to soul and world music.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Training, Making the next step


"tis better to be silent and leave others wondering if you're a fool than to speak up unwisely and remove all doubt.

Name: Jim Schiel

Birth City: Milton, Florida, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Transition Program Manager, Certified Scrum Trainer, Scrum Master

Business Address (City, State): Malvern, PA, USA

Business Telephone: +1 610 219 3033

Cell Phone: +1 484 941 4273

Email Address: james.schiel@siemens.com

Favorite Website: www.google.com

Favorite Music: beatles

Interests for Scrum Gathering: offshoring, large scale implementation, retrospectives, metrics


"insert a quote

Name: Jim York

Birth City: Berryville, VA

Current Business Role: Senior Practice Manager, CC Pace Lean-Agile Practice

Business Address (City, State): Fairfax, VA

Business Telephone: 703.251.6948

Cell Phone: 703.431.2176

Email Address: jfyork@gmail.com

Favorite Website: Google

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Eclectic, but you can always find a Buffett CD in my car.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Leading Agile Change and the people side of Scrum


"You can be rich. You can be famous. But blind luck beats all! (my dad)

Name: David Tannen

Birth City: Dayton, Ohio

Current Business Role: ScrumMaster (officially a project manager ;-)

Business Address (City, State): Topeka, Kansas

Business Telephone: 785-438-6115

Cell Phone: 785-230-5339

Email Address: tannen@jcdisciples.org

Favorite Website: http://www.jcdisciples.org

One Personal Note: I would rather be playing my guitar right now...

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Any style of blues - country, Chicago, Texas, Delta, West Coast, etc.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Practical training and connecting with other Scrum Masters.


"Think of managers like a new puppy. If you don't throw them a bone now and then you can be sure they'll chew your shoes

Name: Mark Pushinsky

Birth City: Pittsburgh

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, Trainer, Change Agent

Business Address (City, State): Richmond, Virginia

Business Telephone: 804-784-7111

Cell Phone:

Email Address: agilerocks@gmail.com

Favorite Website: www.implementingscrum.com

One Personal Note: Teams are what make agile fun!

Favorite Music -- I'm a redneck at heart....Country

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Scrum beyond software development


"Productivity does not have to come at the cost of Quality"

Name: Chris Sterling

Birth City: Bothell, WA

Current Business Role: Managing Consultant, Agile Coach, & Certified Scrum Trainer

Business Address (City, State): Redmond, WA

Business Telephone: (425) 571-2727

Cell Phone: (425) 503-6925

Email Address: CSterling@SolutionsIQ.com

Favorite Website: http://www.freshmeat.net/

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Rap/Poetry - like to hear great lyrics

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Meeting a community of people that I was not aware existed before this previous year


If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be research.

Name: Peter Clark

Birth City: Cleveland, OH

Current Business Role: Software Development Manager

Business Address (City, State): Minneapolis, MN

Business Telephone: Phone? That's so last century. Skype me at pete.clark!

Cell Phone:

Email Address: pclark@umn.edu

Favorite Website: https://my.secure.yahoo.com

One Personal Note: Wife and two kids - has definately cut down my quality keyboard time

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Michael Manring, and http://www.daisycutter.us

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Meeting people who are like-minded about tools for dealing with the complexity of software development. More detail in requirements earlier in the process isn't the answer.


"insert a quote

Name: Chris Doss

Birth City: Lynchburg, VA

Current Business Role: Senior Manager

Business Address (City, State): 15000 Capital One Drive, Richmond, VA

Business Telephone: 804-855-3886

Cell Phone: 804-338-3248

Email Address: christopher.doss@capitalone.com

Favorite Website: cbssportsline.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Seeing where other corporations are pushing the envelope and developing a network from which to learn.


"You stay here and make sure he doesn't leave." "Right" "Where are you going?" "We're coming with you." "No, it's really quite simple. You stay here, and make sure he doesn't leave." "Right."

Name: Kelly Weyrauch

Birth City: Minneapolis, MN

Current Business Role: Senior Principal Software Engineer, Medtronic

Business Address (City, State): 7000 Central Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55432

Business Telephone: 763-514-6118

Cell Phone:

Email Address: kelly.weyrauch@medtronic.com

Favorite Website: allmusic.com

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Gathering nuggets from other's experience.


"In life, there are three kinds of people, people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder, what happened?"

Name:Dennis Luhn

Birth City: Milwaukee, WI

Current Business Role: Account Leader, Project Manager, Mentor

Business Address (City, State): Bloomington, IL

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone: 309-838-5798

Email Address: dennis_luhn@msn.com

Favorite Website: space.com

One Personal Note: Husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, friend

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Strauss,Beethoven & Billy Joel

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Decide where I want to invest my energy to further the cause. I have 30+ years of working with "traditional" project management and product development practices (I have most of the appropriate pedigrees), they don't work very well. How can I help?


"add your quote here"

Name: Cheryl Neeser

Birth City: Austin, MN

Current Business Role: Enterprise Implementation Lead for Scrum

Business Address (City, State): Woodbury, MN

Business Telephone: 651-361-2185

Cell Phone: 612-804-0129

Email Address: cheryl_neeser@efunds.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: like to travel, seeing the world from the perspective of people who live there rather than passing through

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: right now it's Jay Chou

Interests for Scrum Gathering: offshoring, large scale implementation, retrospectives, continuous improvement, human components


''"add your quote here"

Name: Tom Mellor

Birth City: Billing, MT

Current Business Role: Project Manager

Business Address (City, State):

Business Telephone: 309-763-9594

Cell Phone: 309-287-5998

Email Address: tom.mellor.c5t2@statefarm.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music: Bluegrass

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Anything


Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Name: Brent Barton

Birth City: San Jose, CA, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, CST

Business Address (City, State): Redmond, WA, USA

Business Telephone: 425-652-1475

Email Address: brentbarton@yahoo.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: I enjoyed my time with so many of you. I wish I got to meet so many more!

Favorite Music: An eclectic variety of classical, jazz and rock. Musicality over poetry seems to be the best categorization.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Seeing old friends and meeting new people in a thought-provoking environment with creative, intelligent people.



"add your quote here"


Birth City:

Current Business Role:

Business Address (City, State):

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one:

Interests for Scrum Gathering:



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