
Attendees Chicago

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

Attendees at the Chicago ScrumGathering April 2008


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Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time

the reality of experience and

to forge in the smithy of my soul

the uncreated conscience of my race.

- Joyce (for St. Paddy's Day)

Name: Joe Little

Business City/State: Charlotte, NC

Business Telephone: 704-376-8881 and 917-887-1669 (cell)

Internet Address: jhlittle AT kittyhawkconsulting DOT com

Blog: agileocnsortium.blogspot.com

Website: www.kittyhawkconsulting.com

Favorite Music - Pick at least one: See Agile Music

Personal Note: You to see my friends there.

Interests for ScrumGathering: To learn. And business value is always important in my book.



insert an interesting quote

Name: Raffi Simonian


Business City/State: Glendale, AZ


Business Telephone: 602-467-1879 and 623-466-3714 (cell)


Email Address: raff_90@yahoo.com




Favorite Music - Pick at least one: See Agile Music

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering: Learning is the goal, Collaberation is the means, adding value is the outcome.



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Insert an interestng quote.

Name: Giora Morein

Business City/State: Boston, MA

Business Telephone: 617-869-5426

Email Address: gmorein@bigvisible.com

Blog: www.bigvisible.com/gmorein

Website: www.bigvisible.com

Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering: To learn and network



"Think P.I.G. - That's my motto.

P stands for Persistence,

I stands for Integrity, and

G stands for Guts.

These are ingredients for a succesful

business and a succesful life."

- Linda Chandler

Name: Bob Sarni, Certified Scrum Coach

Business City/State: Bloomington, IL USA

Business Telephone: 303-570-8848

Email Address: bsarni@ciber.com or agilepm@msn.com

Blog: www.scrumtechniques.com

Website: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobsarni

Favorite Music - Pick at least one: Sorry, can not pick only one - any type of music that moves me

Personal Note: Looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces

Interests for ScrumGathering: Learning, collaboration, meet fellow practitioners


"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the

thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to

revoke at any moment."

- Marcus Aurelius

Name: George Schlitz, CSP, PMP


Business City/State: Boston, MA


Business Telephone: 508-688-7964


Email Address: gschlitz@bigvisible.com


Blog: www.bigvisible.com/gschlitz


Website: www.bigvisible.com


Favorite Music - Pick at least one: Indie Rock


Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering:



Name: Chris Sims

Business City/State: Foster City, CA

Business Telephone:

Email Address: ScrumWiki@TechnicalManagementInstitute.com

Blog: TMI Blog

Website: TechnicalManagementInstitute.com

Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering:I'm presenting Agile 101, and What Makes Agile Projects Succeed (or Fail)?


insert an interesting quote

Name: Robin McLemore, MBA, PMP, CSM

Business City/State: Milwaukee, WI

Business Telephone: 414-350-7044

Email Address: rmclemore@berkshire-consulting.com


Website: www.berkshire-consulting.com

Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering: Network and learn things that I can apply immediately on my project



insert an interesting quote

Name: Mikael Boman

Business City/State: Uppsala, Sweden

Business Telephone: +46 18 51 51 13

Email Address: mikael.boman@citerus.se


Website: http://www.citerus.se

Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering:



insert an interesting quote

Name: Toni Otten

Business City/State: Arnhem, The Netherlands

Business Telephone: +31 6 22 92 02 42

Email Address: toni.otten@atosorigin.com


Website: www.atosorigin.com

Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering: Gather and share knowledge about Scrum and software development



insert an interesting quote


Business City/State:

Business Telephone:

Email Address:



Favorite Music - Pick at least one:

Personal Note:

Interests for ScrumGathering:



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