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Attendees -- Portland

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Attendees at the Scrum Gathering


May 2007, Portland



Put your name and info at the bottom. Or anywhere you want.

The secret word is...scrum.

I am absolutely certain that I don't know the answer to that question.

Name: Roger Brown

Birth City: Eugene, Oregon, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, Systems and Software Consortium

Business Address (City, State): Herndon, VA, USA

Business Telephone: 603-359-8119

Cell Phone: 603-359-8119

Email Address: roger.w.brown@valley.net

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: I live in New Hampshire. My favorite pastime is playing guitar.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Blues and almost anything on guitar.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Networking with other people doing what I am doing. Sharing experience in both directions. Working on the Certified Scrum Coach program.

Never wrestle with a pig. You both get muddy, but the pig enjoys it!

Name: Bob Sarni

Birth City: Reno, Nevada, USA

Current Business Role: Project Management Consultant, Certified Scrum Master Practitioner

Business Address (City, State): Currently located in Bloomington, IL, USA

Business Telephone: 309-531-1035

Email Address: agilepm@msn.com

Favorite Website: www.scrumalliance.org!!!! I know, what a suck up....Also would like www.scrumtechniques.com, but there is nothing on it yet - it is my site ;)

One Personal Note: I enjoyed meeting everyone at the gathering, I hope to make this a regular event.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical, Bluegrass....have not find one I do not like although I am still working on Country and Rap.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Share experiences with others that are actively using Scrum.

Still not certain that we should throw the waterfall baby out with the bath water

Name: Nigel Sheppard

Birth City: Poole, Dorset, UK

Current Business Role: Contract Project Manager working for Associated Newspapers

Business Address (City, State): 33 Throxenby Lane, Scarborough. UK

Business Telephone:

Cell Phone: 44 7771 596037

Email Address: sheppardnigel@hotmail.com

Favorite Website: www.mfc.co.uk

One Personal Note: loving the opportunity to see the Pacific NW.

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: currently Feist

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Introducing Agile into a traditional waterfall project organisation



Name: George Schlitz

Birth City: Staten Island, NY, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, CSM/P

Business Address (City, State): Boston, MA, USA

Business Telephone: 508-688-7964

Email Address: __gjschlitz@comcast.net__

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: Currently living in Hopkinton, MA. Thanks to all I spoke with for great conversation and learning!

Favorite Music: Independent Rock

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Continue to explore and share experiences in organizational change.

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Name: Brent Barton

Birth City: San Jose, CA, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, CST

Business Address (City, State): Redmond, WA, USA

Business Telephone: 425-652-1475

Email Address: brentbarton@yahoo.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: I enjoyed my time with so many of you. I wish I got to meet so many more!

Favorite Music: An eclectic variety of classical, jazz and rock. Musicality over poetry seems to be the best categorization.

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Seeing old friends and meeting new people in a thought-provoking environment with creative, intelligent people.

It's raining out here, can I borrow your Scrumbrella?

Name: Kevin Neher

Birth City: Seattle, WA, USA

Current Business Role: Agile Coach, ScrumMaster

Business Address (City, State): Redmond, WA, USA

Business Telephone: 425-706-2208

Email Address: kneher@microsoft.com

Favorite Website:

One Personal Note: What if Congress used Scrum??? Hmmmm.....

Favorite Music: Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution!

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Second Gathering, was great to see old faces and new faces. Looking for more collaboration and deeper thought on Distributed Scrum, WaterScrum, Scrumbrella, Enterprise Scrum.

Never look down on anybody

unless you are helping him up.

Name: Laura Castle

Birth City: Houston, TX, USA

Current Business Role: Project Manager, ScrumMaster - CSM and PMP eek!

Business Address (City, State): Seattle, WA, USA

Business Telephone: 206-812-9254

Email Address: lcastle@whitepages.com or lauracastle@hotmail.com

Favorite Website: http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/ - this show keeps me sane at work

One Personal Note: I've converted our family "to do" list to a bunch of post its on a board in our kitchen - my husband loves it!

Favorite Music: My 14 month old son, Carter, will stop crying if we sing any Bob Marley song - so that's the fav at the Castle household

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Learn and explore- it's nice to hear shared perspectives and challenges around transitioning to Scrum

May the force be with you

Name: Dave Cook

Birth City: Norwich, England

Current Business Role: Chief Information Officer, Marshall Wace LLP

Business Address (City, Country): London, England

Business Telephone: +44 (0)7951 347470

Email Address: d.cook@mwam.com

Favourite Website: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport

One Personal Note: It was the right decision to attend!

Favourite Music: Old Rock, New Rock, Some Pop

Interests for Scrum Gathering: I can't believe that there are not more converts out there...

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.

Name: Jody Swarbrick

Birth City: Yorkton, SK, Canada

Current Business Role: Scrum Master

Business Address (City, Country): Calgary, AB, Canada

Business Telephone: 403.313.6832

Email Address: jswarbrick@veer.com

Favourite Website:

One Personal Note:

Favourite Music:

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Being able to meet, learn, share, discuss scrum related items that organizations are having.

Your plan is great until the first shot is fired - Patton

Name: Tom Mellor

Birth City: Billings, MT

Current Business Role: Scrum Practitioner and Advocate

Business Address (City, Country): Bloomington, IL

Business Telephone: 309.486.4899

Email Address: tom.mellor.c5t2@statefarm.com

Favourite Website: Scrum Alliance (of course)

One Personal Note:

Favourite Music: Bluegrass

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Doing all things better and learning

"Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" (Latin: "Always where under where")

Name: John Hill

Birth City: Los Angeles, CA

Current Business Role: Commercial Software Program Manager, ScrumMaster, Internal Scrum Coach

Business Address (City, State): Calabasas, CA

Business Telephone: (818) 737-7607

Cell Phone:

Email Address: johnhillcsm@yahoo.com

Favorite Website: scrumalliance.org

One Personal Note: When mixing cocktails, I "never use the same ice twice" (good advice from Harry Craddock, Savoy Hotel Bar, London, published in 1926)

Favorite Music -- Pick at least one: MANY musical interests (eclectic beyond reason), currently focused on "Golden Era" jazz guitarists (Barney Kessel, George Barnes, Johnny Smith, Tal Farlow, Harry Volpe, Al Caiola, Tony Mottola...).

Interests for Scrum Gathering: Empowering Teams and Offshore/Distributed Scrum


Hi, This is Joe Little. Sorry I missed you all. See you soon.


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